How to Choose Good and Safe Skincare?
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In recent years the world of beauty is on the rise because more and more people are aware of taking care of facial beauty. Various brands are competing to innovate to produce the best skin care products. Not a few also buy just because they want to follow the trend without doing a review first. Even though this can cause facial irritation due to the composition that does not fit on the skin.
So, it is very important to read the ingredients in skincare before buying it because many well-known products have harmful ingredients for the skin. What is considered good is not necessarily safe. So that you don’t choose the wrong choice, here’s the right way to choose good and safe skincare:
1. Adjust to skin type
This stage is very basic but important to do. Without knowing your skin type, it will be difficult to determine what skincare is right for you. Generally, there are 3 types of skin, namely normal, dry, and oily. If in doubt, you can confirm your skin condition to a doctor or beauty clinic.
2. Pay attention to product permissions
One category of safe skincare is that it has passed the test and is registered in the dermatology clinical trial site. Remember, the dermatology clinical trial site license is unique for one product and not a brand. So, it is very possible if there is a product from a brand whose license has not been or is still being processed. In addition to having clear legality, safe skincare is also very informative regarding its products, such as notifying the place of production and the name of the doctor who mixes it.
3. Read the skincare composition
Even though it will be confusing at first, it is very important to find out what skincare contains. There are quite a lot of formulas that we don’t realize are harmful to the face because they are often used by beauty products. Here are some ingredients that are considered very easy to cause inflammation and irritation of the skin:
Fragrance or fragrance
Who would have thought that scented beauty products were usually not good for the face? Skincare with fragrance contains alcohol and synthetic compounds that can cause allergies to hormonal changes.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
It turns out that SLS is widely used in shampoo, soap, mouthwash, toothpaste, and foundation. The effects of using SLS on the body are skin irritation, mouth sores, acne, and oil balance disorders.
Almost all beauty products contain parabens with different concentration levels. Can be found in make-up, moisturizer, shampoo, face wash, or shaving gel, long-term use of parabens can trigger breast cancer and interfere with fertility.
Similar to parabens, phthalates that are commonly found in nail polish, perfume, lotions, and hair sprays can cause breast cancer. Even in some children’s products, this content should no longer be used because it is very dangerous.
4. Avoid products that offer instant results
Want to quickly have a bright face that shines makes many people look for shortcuts. In fact, a good product takes a while because it allows the skin to naturally heal. Also, safe skincare does not cause dependence or side effects after discontinuation of use.